🎯Commands & Permissions

Here are all the commands and permissions associated with CoralPrison!

Mines Module

Player Commands

  • /mines list - Opens the mines list menu

Admin Commands

  • /mines create <name> - Creates a private mine with the name specified

  • /mines givewand <player> - Gives the mine creation wand to the specified player

  • /mines reset <name> - Manually refills the mine specified

  • /mine delete <mine-name> - Deletes the specified mine

  • /mines reload - Reloads the mines module


  • coralprisons.mines.admin - Ability to access admin commands for the mines module

Pickaxes Module

Admin Commands

  • /pick give <player> <type> <amount> - Gives the specified player a pickaxe(s) of the specified type

  • /pick givetag <player> <amount> - Gives the specified player a rename tag(s)

  • /pick add <enchant> <amount> - Increases the level of the specified enchant by the amount specified, on the pickaxe whilst its being held in the main hand

  • /pick set <enchant> <amount> - Sets the level of the specified enchant to the specified amount, whilst the pickaxe is held in the mainhand

  • /pick del <enchant> <amount> - Decreases the level of the specified enchant by the amount specified, on the pickaxe whilst its being held in the main hand

  • /crystal give <player> <type> <amount> - Gives the target a specified amount of crystals of the provided type

  • /pick help - Displays the list of commands

  • /value - Displays information about the users spent economy on pickaxe, whilst its being held in the main hand

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.pickaxes.admin - Ability to use the admin commands

  • coralprisons.pickaxes.enchant.<name> - Ability to use the coral enchant specified

Economy Module

Player Commands

  • /<currency> pay <player> <amount> - Transfers a specified amount of the provided currency to the target

  • /<currency> withdraw <amount> - Withdraws the specified amount of the provided currency in the form of a physical bank note

  • /<currency> balance [other] - Views the provided currency balance of yourself or the user provided

  • /<currency> paytoggle - Toggles receiving payments of the specified currency

  • /<currency> top - Opens a menu showing the leaderboard of users with the highest amount of the currency specified.

  • /<currency> help - Displays the list of commands

Admin Commands

  • /<currency> give <player> <amount> - Increaeses the targets balance of the provided currency by the specified amount

  • /<currency> set <player> <amount> - Sets the targets balance of the provided currency to the specified amount

  • /<currency> take <player> <amount> - Decreases the targets balance of the provided currency by the specified amount

  • /<currency> recalc - Force recalculates the leaderboard for the provided currency

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.economy.<currency>.admin - Ability to use the admin commands for the specifed currency

Bombs Module

Admin Commands

  • /bombs give <player> <type> <amount> - Give the target user a specified amount of bombs of the provided type

  • /bombs help - Displays a list of commands

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.bombs.admin - Ability to use the admin commands

Rankups & Prestiges Modules

Player Commands

  • /rankup - Ranks up to the next successive rank

  • /rankup max - Ranks up the maximum rank available which the player meets requirements for

  • /rankup amount <amount> - Ranks up by a specifed amount

  • /rankup togglebar - Toggles the action bar displaying rankup progress

  • /rankup info - Displays information about your rankups and prestiges

  • /rankup help - Displays a list of commands

  • /prestige - Prestiges up to the next successive prestige

  • /prestige max - Prestiges up the maximum prestige available which the player meets requirements for

  • /prestige amount <amount> - Prestiges up by a specifed amount

  • /prestige togglebar - Toggles the action bar displaying prestige progress

  • /prestige info - Displays information about your rankups and prestiges

  • /prestige help - Displays a list of commands

Admin Commands

  • /rankup set <player> <id> - Sets the specified user to the rank of the specified ID

  • /rankup give <player> <amount> - Increases the rank of the target user by the specified amount

  • /rankup take <player> <amount> - Decreases the rank of the target user by the specified amount

  • /prestige set <player> <id> - Sets the specified user to the prestige of the specified ID

  • /prestige give <player> <amount> - Increases the prestige of the target user by the specified amount

  • /prestige take <player> <amount> - Decreases the prestige of the target user by the specified amount

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.rankups.admin - Ability to access admin commands

Private Mines Module

Player Commands

  • /pmine - Opens the pmine panel

  • /pmine reset - Refills the users private mine

  • /pmine help - Displays a list of commands

Admin Commands

  • /pmine givewand <player> - Gives the private mine creation wand to the specified user

  • /pmine create <schematic-name> - Creates a private mine file with the specified name, after the region has been selected

  • /pmine expand <player> <amount> - Force expands the target users mining region by the amount specified

  • /pmine setblock <player> <pattern> - Sets the players block pattern in their private mine

  • /pmine giveexpand <player> <amount> - Gives the targetted user a mine expansion voucher(s).

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.privatemines.admin - Ability to access the admin commands

  • coralprisons.privatemines.pattern.<pattern> - Ability to use the block pattern specified, <pattern> should be replaced by the block pattern id, visitBlock Patterns

  • coralprisons.privatemines.theme.<theme> - Ability to use the private mine theme specified, <theme> should be replaced by the theme id, visit Theme Menu

  • coralprisons.privatemines.tax - Ability to set tax on the players private mine

  • coralprisons.privatemines.public - Ability to set the players private mine to public

  • coralprisons.privatemines.create - Ability to create a private mine or not

Blocks Module

Player Commands

  • /blocks [player] - Views the block statistics of oneself or the target user if provided

  • /blocks top - Opens the leaderboard menu

  • /blocks rewards - Opens the rewards menu

  • /blocks help - Displays a list of commands

Admin Commands

  • /blocks giveraw <player> <amount> - Increases the raw blocks of the target user by the specified amount

  • /blocks setraw <player> <amount> - Sets the raw blocks of the target user to the specifiedd amount

  • /blocks takeraw <player> <amount> - Decreases the raw blocks of the target user by the specified amount

  • /blocks givetotal <player> <amount> - Increases the total blocks of the target user by the specified amount

  • /blocks settotal <player> <amount> - Sets the total blocks of the target user to the specifiedd amount

  • /blocks taketotal <player> <amount> - Decreases the total blocks of the target user by the specified amount

Permission Nodes

  • coralprisons.blocks.admin - Ability to access admin commands

Settings Module

Player Commands

  • /settings - Opens the settings menu for the user

Last updated