
Here are all the placeholders registered by CoralPrisons for your use.

Economy Module

  • %<economy>_formatted% - Returns the balance of the specified currency formatted in the form of K,M,B etc

  • %<economy>_comma% - Returns the balance of the specified currency separated out by commas

Rankups & Prestiges Module

  • %coralrankups_rank% - Returns the current rank of the user

  • %coralrankups_rank_id% - Returns the rank id of the users current rank

  • %coralrankups_prestige% - Returns the current prestige of the user

  • %coralrankups_prestige_id% - Returns the prestige id of the users current prestige

Private Mines Module

  • %coralprivatemines_size% - Returns the current size of the players private mine

  • %coralprivatemines_whitelisted% - Returns the amount of whitelisted players

  • %coralprivatemines_status%- Returns the status of the mine, public or private

  • %coralprivatemines_tax% - Returns the tax value set for the mine

Blocks Module

  • %coralblocks_total_formatted% - Returns the total blocks statistic formatted in the form K,M,B etc

  • %coralblocks_total_comma% - Returns the total blocks statistic separated by commas

  • %coralblocks_raw_formatted% - Returns the raw blocks statistic formatted in the form K,M,B etc

  • %coralblocks_raw_comma% - Returns the raw blocks statistic separated by commas

Last updated